Tha Bridge Corp-Building Foundations to Empower Families

Tha Bridge Corp Foundation has expanded since Mr. Maye’s involvement with Get ‘Em Boy Youth Boxing. Keeping the commitment to athletic competition while placing a bigger emphasis on mentorship, TBCF strives to be effective in interrupting the school to prison pipeline that plagues so many young people from low income, or single parent households. The holistic model of TBCF relies on contributions from and collaborations with other agencies, community institutions and organizations.

TBCF believes that by engaging the families of participants, and partnering with schools and other institutions who are also part of our participants’ lives we can create sustainable opportunities, self-discipline, healthy living and community accountability.

Summer Boxing Camp- Our summer boxing camp starts the first week after July 4th and runs through to the second week of August! Registration/Applications will be available in April 2024! Stay Tuned!

Tha Bridge Corp Mentorship Program-Mentoring youth-at-risk ages 8-18 years old through summer youth job program, college prep, financial literacy, health and wellness, mental health CPR peer advocates. Mentoring with the assistance of Black History is key. Knowledge of self.

Tha Bridge Corp School Liaison Program- Are you a single mother who works full time? Is it hard for you to take time off of work to check on your child who might be having some challenges at school? Consider signing up for our Liaison Program. Call for more information.

Tha Bridge Corp Family Program

Tha Bridge Corp Family Program statistics have reported that in 2022, there were about 4.15 million Black families in the United States with a single mother. This is an increase from 1990 levels, when there were about 3.4 million Black families with a single mother.

Single parenthood How is it Defined?

The typical family is comprised of two parents and at least one child. However, that is not the case in every single situation. A single parent is someone who has a child but no spouse or partner. Single parenthood occurs for different reasons, including divorce, death, abandonment, or single-person adoption. Historically, single parenthood was common due to mortality rates due to war, diseases, and maternal mortality. For our purposes we are specifically speaking regarding families, which the Census Bureau describes as: Black alone, Female headed households with children under the age of 18 years old.

Single Mothers Wellbeing

Single parents tend to suffer more financially, emotionally, and mentally. In the United States, most single parents are mothers. The struggles that single parents face is far greater than those in two parent households. Black mothers ae 20% less likely than their white counterparts to share the load with a partner. “While it is true that of the 8 million single-mother-led families in the US, about a third are living in poverty, jobless and food-insecure, according to 2019 statistics, single moms are not synonymous with struggle. A writer stated “the long-standing history of shaming single moms is steeped in patriarchy and government failure, not reality.” Single mothers, Black or otherwise, do not inherently struggle alone.

Tha Bridge Corp Family Program wants to help ease the load so Mothers don’t have to struggle alone. Access to services such as assistance with assistance for transportation to appointments, school liaison for their child so that don’t have to take off of work to manage school matters. Single parents can only do so much. How can Tha Bridge Corp Family Program be of assistance to you and your family?

Contact: for more information

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